# 18 Armed Forces Day
It seems we are all change this year for the flag raising and armed Forces Day.
There has been a committee set up which precluded the veterans’ groups usually closely involved in planning and we have just been informed what is to happen. As this affects what we do, my husband as Queen’s Colour (WUEC) in particular.
On Flag Raising Day (19 June) there will be the usual service (we think) outside the Civic Centre, but the Wolverhampton United Ex-service Council will not be able to parade our standard, as there will be a Union Flag on the one flag pole and you cannot have two in the same place.
There will apparently be events all week in the Mander Centre. We don’t know what they will be, as they have been organised by the new committee.
On Armed Forces Day itself there will be no parade through the town, but there will be a service in the Mander Centre. Once again the veterans were ignored in the planning and it is only down to persistent arguments by various officers of organisations that they will be allowed to parade. Again the WUEC standard will not be present as there will be a Union Flag already in place.
If any ex-service organisation wants a standard bearer for either or both events, the WUEC sb is available.
At the time of writing I have not seen any publicity for these events. Wolverhampton City council are really lax when it comes to these things, especially when it comes to social media.