'Cat owners want their cake and eat it too' - Your Letters: February 10

To Colin Hubbard. Cats were always deemed to be 'wild animals' and needed no licence like a dog once did, that was the reason that if you hit a cat in your car you did not have to report it - but if you hit a dog you had to (this has now changed due to pushy cat 'owners' but nobody owns a cat, they go to the highest bidder with the best food and the warmest house - unlike a dog who will be loyal no matter what.
Cat owners actually 'want their cake and eat it too' they take no responsibility for their pets but now expect cats to have the same rights as dogs, who have to be cleaned up after, kept on a lead in public places etc.
Cats are responsible for the deaths of millions of small native creatures every year. Scotland has discussed bringing in new cat control laws to stop their killing spree and also their native wild cat has been interbreeding with domestic moggies and ruining the genetics. Australia has draconian laws on cats because of their problem with feral cats the size of a small tiger who have decimated their native wildlife.
Chris Smith, Midlands
I've seen a photo of Wrexham AFC’s new Kop stand. Who designed that? It looks exactly like a set of five badly discoloured, misshapen, uneven teeth! I can imagine that the nickname will be something like "The Dentures" or possibly " Y Dannedd Budr" (the "Dirty teeth") to Welsh speakers; maybe even "Jaws" to some, since they resemble the lower teeth of Jaws, the James Bond film villain! Surely, any decent architect could have done better than that?
Now, I'm no architect, but how would it look if the stand consisted of six Ruabon red-brick, parallel (not odd-shaped) sections, interspersed with five white (possibly tiled) sections, each half the width of the red ones? So there would then be red on each end. There would be eleven different colour sections in all, consisting of the red and white colours of Wrexham AFC… a bit like a Wrexham scarf! The 11 sections would also represent the number of footballers in a team. The five white sections could have 20 ft high (or more) murals of great Wrexham footballers of the past, to add local character and Wrexham's fine football heritage. The perfect artist to depict the footballers would be Meirion Jones of Cardigan. His artistic works of Gareth Bale and other Welsh sportsmen have been spot on.