'Vaccines: The UK could lead the world' - Your Letters: February 7

AstraZeneca has cancelled plans for a £450m vaccine manufacturing plant in Liverpool, blaming a cut in funding from government.
Many years ago during a visit to the doctor's surgery, I noticed an advert for some drug or other manufactured by a company I'd never before come across - AstraZeneca. As I had a bob or two at the time, I decided to read up and in the end bought a few shares. I have never cashed them in over the years but received dividends.
Whatever criticism people may put forward regarding vaccines etc, it has to be said that this is a very successful company in an area where UK could lead the world.
As ever, this useless Labour government has jeopardised this, has lost millions in tax for The Exchequer and loads of highly paid high tech jobs for what? I guess the argument must be that Labour want to show that they do not waste tax payers money, Some hope with that!