'Council u-turn would make me laugh - if it was in a comedy show' - Your Letters: February 6

The headline on Dudley Council "Council u-turn over mayor's limo decision" would make me laugh, but only if it was in a comedy show.
The council leader Conservative Patrick Harley said in November that Dudley Council were so cash-strapped the mayor's limousine would have to go. This, claimed Mr Harley, would save the council £60,000 per year – the decision has now been reversed. Keeping our limousine it seems is a council cabinet priority.
Oddly, what does not seem to be a priority is keeping our new and refurbished leisure centres.
In Dudley, the council spent £18.5 million on Dudley Leisure Centre - The Duncan Edwards, £8.4 million to refurbish Halesowen Leisure Centre. Then it hired specialist consultants at a cost of £26,000 plus to analyse how to outsource the leisure centres.
So they have a new build, spend a fortune on repairs and then want to flog it off to Serco, Greenwich Leisure, or any privateer. It is all council taxpayers' money! To me and thousands of people in Dudley it makes no sense. No sense at all.
C Stoll, Halesowen