Express & Star

'MP's proposal is unsettling ' - Your Letters: January 2



The proposal to ban cousin marriages in the UK by Richard Holden MP is quite concerning and unsettling. He mentions scientific findings to argue that there are increased risks of birth defects among children born to couples who are first cousins. But he deliberately overlooks the fact that even though the risk of congenital anomalies in children of first cousins is six per cent in comparison to 2.4 per cent in non-consanguineous marriages, the overall risk is still low and small.

His proposal for such a ban also makes no mention of comparative risks that are of advanced maternal age or lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking which can also pose similar risks to children. To no one’s surprise, he also links the increased rate of cousin marriages among British Pakistanis, majority of whom are Muslims, to forced marriages and the supposed lack of freedom of women. By specifically making this about one diaspora living in the UK and by directly making this about forced marriages and the freedom of women but shielding his whole argument with the point of scientific research, Mr Holden cannot evade the responsibility of expressing Islamophobic, divisive and prejudiced views.

Finally, the most unsettling part about this as a Muslim woman is that yet again, another Western politician has, undesirably, assumed the responsibility of dictating how Muslim women should free themselves. As Muslim women, we do not need and certainly do not want others to be speaking for us. Anything otherwise would be opposing our freedom.

Ayesha Naseem, Walsall