Express & Star

Your Letters: November 21

Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images
Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images


As the old year dribbles to a close, we reflect on the events of 2024 and hope the UK does not repeat the same mistakes it made.

Some, like Johnson, Truss, and Farage shout out, ignoring all the facts presented by organisations like the British Chamber of Commerce and many others. The BCC, plus surveys done by the public, all agree we need to get back into the EU. Businesses and the people of the UK want to return to the EU. Perhaps a smidge of democracy should creep in here (a vote?).

Meanwhile, our PM for some reason, is dithering and u-turning. He seems scared of presenting us with a firm commitment to helping the country out of its demise brought on mainly by Brexit. Meanwhile, a frightening alternative has appeared on the horizon which seems to appeal to some.

Why? It defies logic. It means siding with an emerging group of dangerous extremists.

All the makings of a fascist regime and with the loss of democracy that will occur - their words, not mine!

So, let's, for all our sakes, ignore this extremely dangerous bunch, and return to sanity in the new year. We need it, so the new year can be greeted with a smile.