LETTER: Millions have decided that working is not for them
The recent figures released by the Department of Works and Pensions, reveal that 5.1 million people in the UK of working age are ‘economically inactive.’

That is those that are not only unemployed, but are not actively seeking work. Of course some have been left money by their Great Aunt Gertrude, others have won the lottery, and many are of independent means via pensions and savings. With some unfortunately being unable to work through illness.
We are left with the millions who decided that working is not for them. Seems like a no-brainer to me with housing costs, rent etc, now topping £1,350pm, covered by the taxpayer.
Living on benefits never appealed to me and my wife. We were heavily taxed for the privilege, and still are today. And for what? To see our tax money and that of others squandered on state-sponsored indolence.
John Reed, Wolverhampton
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