LETTER: Word crisis is an exaggeration
Regarding the ongoing problem the BBC has with the allegations against one of its senior presenters, the BBC’s own new reporters have been claiming on live TV that the BBC is in crisis.

No, it is not in crisis. It has a problem but is not in crisis!
Crisis = catastrophic calamity verging on disaster.
Why do reporters (the Star excepted!) feel the need to exaggerate things to make them sound worse than they really are? Why cannot they report things just as they are in an objective way? Why do they feel the necessity to inject highly charged adjectives into the report?
The BBC has a problem, as would any public body following the allegations as reported. But it is an easily solved problem. The BBC must allow the police investigation to follow its course and then, depending on the result, carry out its own investigation and deal with the problem as either one where the BBC was brought into disrepute one where internal rules were broken, and then decide on what to do about it. Simples!
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