LETTER: The UK is losing influence on the world stage
Seven years on, we have left the EU, but Brexit is not done.

Where are the key storytellers, who told us that we would be better off, have more control and be a leading nation again?
Nigel Farage is making money on radio, Boris Johnson has gone in disgrace, but making money, Dominic Cummings has disappeared in disgrace.
The damage to our country is very significant. Our economy is growing at less than half the rate of the US and Germany. The £ is 15% weaker, we are 5% poorer, immigration hasn’t gone down. The UK is also losing influence on the world stage. There are three major economic blocs in the World – the EU, the USA and China. We choose to leave the biggest bloc, the one nearest to us and the one with which we do the most trade.
The leading Brexiteers told us a big new trade deal with the USA would be the easiest ever – still no hope of that and if we did sign a new deal, the USA would insist on selling more food to us – that would be the final blow for our farmers. As for doing more trade with China, along with others we have little trust in them. I’m afraid the future path is not good. We will continue to fall behind Europe, the USA, China, India.
To limit this damage, we need a much more integrated deal with the EU. Personally, although against leaving, I now believe rejoining is very difficult. We have damaged trust with the EU, it isn’t easy to reverse the loss of business to Europe and above all the British people are badly divided by Brexit.
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