LETTER: Nothing learned from pandemic
Reflecting on the state of our nation throughout Covid drew us both to the same conclusion. The terrible loss of so many was a tragedy that some will never forget. Our thoughts and sympathies lie with those who lost loved ones through this terrible pandemic.

It is therefore shocking to believe that our country was more united through the pandemic than it is today.
And yet in a short time, sections of our media, supported by our opposition parties, set out to destroy all the good that was happening. However, it will go down in history that the greatest damage was done by some in the governing party. Without the intervention of some, caused by arrogance, stupidity or self-important political vindictiveness, our nation would be a far better place.
The harsh reality is that as a society we have learnt nothing. Because the finger of blame will be pointed at the chosen few, whilst those who are really at fault revel in their demise. That is why Sunak and his cronies will never be forgiven.
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