LETTER: PM making us a laughing stock
A reader discusses Boris Johnson.

Two things differentiate those who have successfully dealt with Covid from those who have made a mess of things, like the UK. Firstly countries like Taiwan and Vietnam, who had experienced SARS, shut down borders and closed down Covid outbreak areas quickly, they didn’t dither. Secondly their Governments gave clear, serious communications to their citizens explaining why prompt action was needed.
The same serious and clear communications will be needed to tackle potentially the most threatening situation this world has faced – climate change. What do we hear from Boris Johnson, ‘We can meet our climate change targets without so much as a hair shirt in sight’. This sort of flippant extravagant language covers up the enormity of the task ahead and encourages the lazy-minded to take no part in the huge cumulative effort that is needed to put matters right. It is also the sort of language that heavily polluting countries like China, Russia, the USA seize on to make no real effort in tackling climate change.
I have not seen any deep, thoughtful actions in anything that Boris Johnson has done, his language and lack of seriousness are making a laughing stock of this country.
Roger Watts, Walsall
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