LETTER: Government not up to the task
A reader discusses politics.

So here we go again, we could call them bumbling I prefer dithering. As of times in the past this poor government is just not up to the task of governing a once great nation. I will enlighten:
Waited too long in previous rises going against the science experts. Delayed closing borders hence allowing it in from all countries whilst all other countries banned foreign travellers. Puts too much faith in the vaccine rather than isolating. Stopped the public wearing mandatory masks, which I’m sure he will soon be telling us to wear them again when he does see what figures are thrown at him soon.
But still he fiddles about not acting soon enough to avoid mass hospital waiting. Still not listening to science experts.
On ending, what I feel is he will soon be forced to include many measures again, when he does see how fast this virus really spreads without distancing etc.
L Thomas, Wellington
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