LETTER: Total collapse in GP systems
A reader discusses GPs.

Are there any readers who have experienced my utter fury when calling their doctor’s surgery?
On Friday, I called 19 times and was cut off 19 times. On three of those occasions, I had dropped from thirteen to one in the queue. My patience and hopes were trampled on by the system that leads you to believe that you will be answered and helped in your time of need. One of my attempts took 48 minutes, enabling me to reach number one in the queue when again I was cut off! Was I tenacious or stupid? I would rather hear the ‘engaged’ tone and disconnect than waste my time with the optimistic thought that I will soon reach the end of the queue and find the help I need.
What a callous and careless disregard for patients. We ring because we need you.
Doctors and managers, you should hang your heads in shame at the dismay and upset you are causing to people who are already fearful but have no control in helping their members of families who are obviously ill and are in need of a prompt response from you.
Will any one of you put together a cogent argument to explain why you still hold your posts? Please do not blame Covid. This is a total collapse in your systems.
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