LETTER: City has turned into Wild West
A reader discusses Wolverhampton.

Wolverhampton – ‘the city of culture’. Whoever in their right mind could suggest this proposal is totally beyond me. In fact anyone who reads the E&S must be thinking that April 1 has arrived early.
Stabbings every day, firearms now common in broad daylight, drugs freely available – they have made our city more like the Wild West than a city I was once very proud of. And, the truth is, if we continue to allow the goody goody do-gooders to continually curb our police and their methods, the situation will only become worse.
It was once a pleasure to visit Wolverhampton for a few pints and a dance or two, but that was some 50 years ago, but a time when Wolverhampton could be called a City of Culture.
Derek Bodley, Bilbrook
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