LETTER: It looks like Labour leader took his eye off the ball
A reader discusses Sir Keir Starmer.

This is an answer to Jon Dews, Dudley
If I were you Jon I would stop ‘wondering’ what Jackie Lewis will do when she finally returns from your ‘parallel universe’ as you say. You have now completely convinced her that she was ‘spot on’ in what she said in her letter on April 21, and is convinced that many thousands of the Prime Minister’s supporters who read Jackie’s letter will also agree with her.
The Prime Minister is not always right, but he has also suffered the virus together with many of the people in this country and knows exactly how they are feeling which has brought him closer to them, Boris is now leading in the Polls.
The Prime Minister is handling the gravest national crisis in 80 years with this horrific pandemic. Britain with Boris Johnson at the helm is leading the world in getting the much needed vaccines to the poorer countries where many poor people are sadly dying.
This country is very lucky where we have a wonderful NHS with fantastic doctors, nurses etc and this country has much to thank them for.
Some people are blaming Boris for every failure, unfortunately his successes go unnoticed. The vaccine programme was masterminded by the Prime Minster and his team and is the envy of the world. As Britain ‘roars’ back to life the Borders of our country will be open very shortly to travel to approved countries
You mention Jon that the Cabinet are ‘mired in sleaze, many people will disagree with you on this.
The EU nearly managed to impose a hard border in Ireland recently. Where they were threatening to prevent much needed vaccines from reaching the UK, this is certainly not the action of friends, is this not sleaze? It was just the opposite in the early days of negotiations with the UK where the EU were bitterly opposed to this.
The hysteria coming from the Labour Office at the moment is that they are slipping in the Polls and losing ground with working class people, the Tories have a new 11 point lead over them.
It looks like Sir Keir Starmer took his eye off the ball.
Jackie Lewis, Pattingham
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