LETTER: Our country is left without confidence
A reader discusses political leaders.

President Joe Biden has been in the job for three months and he is clearly getting the job done.
In that time he has reduced the number of unemployed, improved the vaccine roll-out and is generally making the USA a country with a strong confident future.
Here in the UK Boris Johnson has been PM for a little over 20 months.
In that time he has overseen one of the world’s worst Covid death rates and arranged a deal with the EU that is more like a slushie than an oven-ready meal/deal.
It is evaporating in the heat of reality.
He promised us a more open, outward-looking and confident future on the world stage.
What he has actually delivered is a contracting UK where we are unable to live, work and trade with ease in the remaining 27 EU countries.
This is now a country without confidence in the future; our very important trade with the EU is being decimated and we certainly won’t replace all the vital trade with the EU that was substantially adding to our confident view of our future.
The wonderful trade deal with the USA that Brexiteers promised us shows no signs of taking shape. Indeed the USA Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that it would have been more in the interest of the US if the UK had remained in the EU.
He has described Brexit as a very messy car accident. Boris Johnson told us last year that Covid-19 would be gone in 12 weeks, he said there would never be a border down the Irish sea and that our exports to the EU would flourish.
The USA had the courage to get rid of Donald Trump and we should have the courage to get rid of the incompetent Boris Johnson because our future would be brighter without him.
Roger Watts, Walsall
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