LETTER: Boris’s flimsy leadership is being exposed
A reader discusses Boris Johnson.

Reading between the lines I think that Alan Kyte’s letter of April 16 is aimed at me – ‘too loudly, too often and for too long'. You, I seem to remember Alan, are a Brexiteer and thus would not welcome any letter from me. I write regularly to the E&S for many reasons: I find their letters page contains more energetic debate than most. Although the letters page is closing the gap, hopefully encouraged by me, it has not reflected the contentious and narrow 52% to 48% leave/win and I am trying to redress that.
By trial and error, I have found the E&S the West Midlands’ most informative paper and it is the only one I buy on a daily basis. Slowly but surely Boris Johnson’s flimsy leadership is being exposed and we are discovering that if you contribute to the Conservatives’ coffers, help cover up their many faults or have a personal connection to a member of the Government then you have a much better chance of laying your hands on our cash.
We are going to find that Boris’s promise of levelling up will only apply if you are in an area that votes Conservative and is less likely to help manufacturing areas than it will the monied South.
One of the main reasons I write to the E&S is to show the unfairness of the Referendum and the 2019 General Election. In the 2019 General Election both the Conservatives and the Labour/Lib Dem combination gained 43.6% of votes cast.
Voters were not properly represented in seats gained with the Conservatives getting 365 seats and the Labour/Lib Dem combination only getting 214 seats. Only hard Brexiteers would consider that a democratic outcome and we need to change to Proportional Representation. Now you may be happy with that Alan, but I am not and I will confront this abuse of our country until things are changed.
There you are Alan, plenty in this letter for you to energetically debate, that is if your real purpose of writing is not to shut down anything that does not conform to your opinion.
Roger Watts, Walsall
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