LETTER: Why stop people from having jab?
A reader discusses vaccines.

I have read and heard recently that some countries have stopped using certain vaccines. As a reason they quote that some recipients have suffered from blood clots. The figure I have heard is seven, yes seven, in three, yes three, million, based upon previous figures quoted that is probably 0.00095%.
Firstly why prevent millions from having medication which would help them for such a small number who suffered?
Secondly why not, as we old fogies would have done, ask WHY?
Until one examines all bases it is impossible to decide the true reason for the seven people's problem. Just a few areas I would have examined before jumping to a conclusion.
These are: previous underlying health problems, medication, physical activities etc. There are eight blood groups and could being one of these a reason for the problem? I put this to the readers, as I am in a group of which there is 2 per cent in the world.
D Winterborn, Brierley Hill
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