LETTER: Let’s make Covid passport system work to benefit all
A reader discusses covid passports.

The Government is making a sensible proposal for Covid passports into a problem.
The chances of going back to the pre-Covid freedom are more or less impossible, so we need a best case proposal to give the best option that can be devised.
The fact is that this will require proof that people are not carrying the bug or going out will become unacceptably high risk.
Politicians are trying to work out a system in which going to a football match will need a different system of proof to going into a pub or club. This is impossible.
The principle is that some people will not be vaccinated, and that is their choice. Compulsory vaccination, in a world where some countries carry out execution by lethal injection, is not acceptable. People have the right to choose.
But this means that at a football match or in the pub we could be next to someone not vaccinated and possibly carrying the bug.
So it is vital that these folk do not put us at risk and we know who is safe and who a potential risk.
Only those with the passport will have the right to freedom of travel. Those who do not have the passport will not have the same rights. That will be the lasting effect of Covid. It is not anti-freedom to have a system which tells us who has not had the vaccination.
In time there will have to be an international system to protect freedom of travel – other countries will demand that Brits are not carrying the bug. The world will never go back to moving about without restriction, so let’s make a Covid passport system work.
Trevor Fisher, Stafford
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