LETTER: Compulsory jabs must be answer

A reader discusses the vaccination plan.


Cast your minds back to the start of the pandemic and the number of deaths associated with care homes. Most of the blame was put on the Government and Boris in particular. Not much was put on the fact that care home staff were free to move around and, as the residents weren’t able to leave, any Covid infection surely had to come from outside?

I am not about to defend the Government on their performance on this issue, but I do condemn them for pontificating about compulsory jabs for care home staff. Trade union Unison have added their bit of course saying the proposal “smacks of a bygone age or of authoritarian regimes in turning the clock back to Victorian times”. They add that funds should be put into a targeted advertising campaign. What? If there is anyone around today, let alone care home staff, who do not appreciate the seriousness of this pandemic by now they must have just landed from outer space.

Stop dithering and bring in compulsory vaccination as soon as possible. If you fail to do so any further deaths will be clearly down to both Government and union.

Ronnie Plant, Bilston

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