LETTER: Actions go against wish for privacy
A reader discusses Meghan Markle.

Can’t say I’ve ever been an avid watcher of the real life ‘soap’ of everyday royal folk.
I certainly admire the Queen and would not want a republic with the likes of Tony Blair as the Head of State.
Whether my ideas will change when the Queen dies, I do not know. I reckon a handful are worth a cheer or two. I particularly like Anne’s work ethic and stiff upper lip but I reckon most could be culled (figuratively of course) and no one would notice the difference.
Be that as it may Meghan, if you intend to be employed by ‘the firm’ (Meghan the word is used constantly in royal documentaries) you as with any other job would take time out to find out a bit about ‘the firm’.
You would realise that this very odd lifestyle and unnatural habitat is not the same as the one you are accustomed to share with other Luvies.
As you tell us, your tour of South Africa etc was exhausting but sorry, that’s part of the well paid job spec. Maybe it was the lure of being a fairy tale middle age princess in a golden carriage that clouded Meg’s judgement although I very much doubt that she would not have weighed up what was involved.
Currently, and I guess much to rather pathetic Harry’s delight as he seems to need a replacement as a mother figure, Meghan is doing her Princess Di act. We get the lot, the sad, hard done to droop of the dewy eyes and the quiet, ready to burst out into tears delivery.
Then we are told of the need for privacy so that Harry can feed the chickens without being caught off guard by a paparazzo with a long lens whilst at the same time earning a bob or two opening up every can of worms available. Total hypocrisy.
How does all this stack up with the desire for privacy? What happened to that caring façade anyway? Do not the pair have access to the news that stroppy grandad’s in hospital and maybe that might not be the best time to give Oprah free rein?
I s’pose the only good thing to come out of all this is that the other diva, Piers Morgan will be off our scenes for a while.
Alan Etheridge, Dudley
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