LETTER: Boris Johnson has proved to us he is not to be trusted
A reader discusses Boris Johnson.

The letter by Mr Alan Kyte 03/02/21 gives the impression that he likes Boris Johnson. Mr Keith Jones letter on the same day writes of “Anti Johnson” reporters.
Is this the same Boris Johnson who has never apologised for anything in his entire life, and has lied, dissembled, misled, whenever the truth might be revealed? His first marriage broke down because of his serial philandering, as did his second. His children will not have anything to do with him because of the hurt he caused their mother. He lied over the £350 million per week for the NHS, and continues to deny the facts even today.
It gets worse. Throughout the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, he regarded Trump as his friend. He turned a blind eye to his blatant praise of white supremacy groups, his arrogance in walking in front of our Queen, his deliberate lies about the Corona virus telling the world that it was just a political hoax. What I find despicable was his mocking a person that had physical deformities. Equally reprehensible was his rejection of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Finally, his dismissal of the killing of Harry Dunn “ It happens”.
In my opinion, anyone that regards Donald Trump as a friend, is a person to be avoided.
John Gregory, Wolverhampton
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