LETTER: If it helps, then long live technology
A reader discusses VAR in football.

Behaviour such as that of Jake Livermore on Jack Grealish in the WBA v Villa game on Sunday evening belongs to a bygone era, when the macho men thought nothing of ‘taking a man out’, sometimes with devastating career consequences.
The tackle was crude, dangerous and self centred and could have seriously injured one of the best English players in a generation. It wasn’t the first instance of him trying to intimidate Grealish during the 37 minutes he was on the pitch, and he also has previous ‘form’ with the player from the play off semi-final games in 2018-19.
He showed no remorse whatsoever for his actions and at a time when the football authorities are at last facing up to their responsibilities for head injuries to former players, he seemed determined to start his own personal list of casualties.
He is captain of a respected football club and should be leading by example not portraying thug like tendency’s. As it is, he has put his own vendettas in front of the fans, team mates and the new managers attempt to retain Premiership status.
I am not as yet completely converted to VAR for a number of reasons, however, if it can assist referees to punish players like Livermore for such unsporting and idiotic behaviour, long live technology.
Mick Kenna, Hayley Green
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