LETTER: Young should get the vaccine first
A reader discusses the UK's vaccination strategy.

Well done C P Wilde (letters, 24 Nov) for saying what many of us are thinking about which age range should get the vaccine first. I should start by saying that myself and my husband are both retired. However, after NHS staff, care workers and those with underlying health issues, I too feel that the younger population should be vaccinated first. No one wants anybody to die before their time, but if someone in their 90s dies it’s sad but hardly unexpected. If someone in their 20s or 30s dies for example, it’s a tragedy for their families and for all that wasted potential. Young people are dying too every day.
The working population are the ones who are going to get the country up and running again and it's them whose lives and livelihoods have been so devastated. They are also more likely to have children to care for. It doesn’t seem logical to be rolling out the vaccine from the eldest down. It may sound heartless, but surely quality of life and life expectation should be taken into account? I am also sure that, as C P Wilde says, many care home residents and other very elderly living in their own homes would prefer their younger families to be protected first.
A more cynical member of my family wondered if there may even be an element of further testing going on with this intended roll-out, now there’s a thought.
Susan Clarke, Pedmore
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