LETTER: Frustration over advertising job
A reader discusses advertising for jobs.

Several years ago I contacted you regarding how difficult it was to advertise a job vacancy at the local job centre. Following the publishing of my letter I had a visit from a senior representative of the said organisation to discuss my concerns at how difficult it is to not only advertise but get any contact whatsoever from the job centre service.
The only way I could advertise a job was to open an online account with all relevant business information including email and password which I did and have ever since. Unfortunately for what ever reason (Covid-19) the system does not work or is not monitored.
I posted a vacancy on my account on 02/09/2020. When the vacancy is listed, the job centre claims that it will first verify your account (takes approx one day) before posting the vacancy. As up until today, I still have had no verification of my account, so the job has not been advertised. I have also contacted them through the online contact page with my contact details to discuss why my account has not been verified, as yet no response. No telephone contact number is available at the moment only online contact.
So my gripe is, if businesses that have vacancies but not a huge budget for advertising jobs or use social media, why is it so difficult to contact your government-run job centre? Also with the current situation we are living in and the amount of people losing jobs, surely the system should be easier to use to ensure any vacancies available are advertised?
So many years after my first complaint regarding the job centre it seems the system has got worse not better.
Russ Pearce, Dudley
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