LETTER: We should all be wearing masks
A reader discusses the use of face masks.

It is time that supermarkets clamped down on customers without masks as people walk in with no regard for others, just sheer selfishness.
Staff in supermarkets will now have to wear masks.
These are worse than the customers, staff with no masks, stacking shelves, wooden pallets in the aisles, forcing people into each other’s paths. The worst are the shoppers who gather in threes and fours blocking all pathways while they stand and talk with no masks, then they will push you out of the way or just reach across you. No-one has an excuse for wearing a face covering. I don’t have to wear a mask and carry a badge to say so but, I feel it is my duty to wear a visor. Like the mask, not perfect but better than nothing.
Norman Caddick, Bilston
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