LETTER: Brexit will reduce our influence over other countries

A reader discusses the impact of Brexit.


The last line of Keith Vaughan’s letter on August 20 is a little confusing, but I think he is saying is that my claim that Brexit will damage our ability to do anything about the world’s overpopulation and other problems, takes away the responsibility of Governments, social workers and individuals.

If you care to reread my letter Keith you will find that I said that Brexit will weaken our influence in the world and thus our ability to be taken seriously about any major problems that the world is facing.

By talking about social workers and individuals you are suggesting overpopulation is a problem in the UK when it is not.

Broadly it is the African countries that have the greatest number of births per 1,000 people with Far Eastern and Middle Eastern countries generally well ahead of the UK.

The top five countries are Angola, Niger and Mali with 44 births per 1,000 people, then Uganda with 43 and Zambia with 41.1/2.

The UK is in 166th place with 12.1 births per 1,000 people, behind New Zealand with 13.2 and the USA at no. 158 with 12.5 births per 1,000 people. So it is not the UK that has to address overpopulation, but countries around the world.

As I have repeatedly said, Brexit will substantially reduce our influence in the world causing the UK to be ignored when it tries to tell other countries what they should be doing.

Roger Watts, Walsall

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