LETTER: The EU is an oasis of relative sanity in world of villains
A reader discusses the EU.

I get dozens of emails every day which include petitions for mostly reasonable causes. I have been sent one to sign several times now, asking me to sign a petition to ensure we get a reasonable deal with the EU and don’t leave with a no deal that would drive up the price of food, but I don’t sign it. To me the EU is a large oasis of relative sanity in a world being controlled by James Bond type villains. Much of the world outside the EU cares nothing for the weak, the unfortunate, the very old or the futures of the young.
To me leaving the EU was abandoning these people and letting the James Bond villains get more of a foothold. It has its faults but most of its members want to do the right things.
So sad as it may be we are going to have to suffer for our mistake so that the remaining EU members can see its benefits more clearly. Within this great trading bloc every conceivable item can be bought at a reasonable price, and received in good condition quickly and with minimal damage to the air and our climate; the citizens of the less responsibly run members do not suffer.
The EU is the only major area in the world that is striving to clean our air, settle our climate and expose the tax avoiders.
So Brexiteers if you think that breaking up the EU was a good thing then you are going to try to prove it without my help. You are going to have to suffer for your cause.
Roger Watts, Walsall
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