Letter: Cronysim must be a thing of the past
Boris Johnson writes it is time to look at “all aspects of inequality”, “we need to tackle the substance of the problem , not the symbols”.

Boris Johnson was talking about the fact that a factual or perceived notion exists that our country does not treat everyone fairly and certain people get preferential treatment.
Boris was trying to address questions brought up by the Black Lives Matter movement, suggesting we need to look at fairness in this country, we need to give everyone an equal chance in life, cronyism should be a thing of the past.
The Boris Johnson honour list tells you all you need to know, it is a list full of names that reflect what sort of person Boris actually is.
We can never truly believe we live in a fair and just democracy when we have a system where favours and honours are given out in such a way.
I will say once more the House of Lords needs replacing with an elected second chamber and all these undemocratic systems need to be abolished.
Boris of course is not the only prime minister to shower his friends with gifts, but if we want to declare to the world that we are a truly democratic society then he should be the last.
John Green, Sedgley