LETTER: So important to look beyond the colour of my skin
A reader shares a poem surrounding issues of racism in society.

I wrote the following poem due to the situation that is happening about the police officer who knelt on George Floyd who kept saying he couldn't breathe. It is also a poem to represent positivity in black and of mixed race people.
Look at me please, tell me what do you see
I bet most of you can only describe the outer of me
Yes my skin colour might be different then yours
But cut you and I and I bet the same colour blood pours
Look at me please, tell me what do you see
A young mixed black girl fighting to be free
Free from the stereotype from the hatred and abuse
But it's not just me who faces this racism he missed a goal yes he missed but the colour of his skin isn't the excuse
Look at me please, tell me what do you see
A person who is trying to do her best and just wanting to be
A positive role model in this world, a woman with a lot of love to give
Not troubling you, not taking your jobs just doing what I can so that I too can live
Look at me please, tell me what do you see
What do you achieve when you kill him or she
They were resisting arrest they were struggling with the police
But what do you expect when they come at them with hatred and not peace
Look at me please, tell me what do you see
The attitudes of the older generation because no baby sees a difference in the colour of you and me
So look at me please, tell me what you can see
Remember there is an inner side to the outer of me.
Tanya Louden, Wolverhampton