LETTER: Use brains to solve the crisis we face
A reader raises a point about the psychology of younger members of society during lockdown.

I wonder why time and money are spent on university and psychologists looking into why boys/young men are more likely to ignore the lockdown rules and go out and meet friends and spend time together than girls/young women? It’s simple young men are anti-rules they want their freedom.
They miss socialising with their mates, they don’t want to be stuck in with boring parents or kids, 24 hours a day, especially if they have cars, they want to be out. The old saying “Boys will be Boys”. As a parent this is obvious, and should be to anyone, without any psychologist wasting time and money. What do these surveys do anyway? It’s human nature.
What the university and psychologists should be studying is with the coronavirus death rate at its highest in the UK with the R rate close to rapid spreading and now causing infections in children - why has the government relaxed the lockdown rules, allowing more freedom of movement and chance of spreading more contamination?
Psychologists should be looking into the now open door policy, shops are taking two to three at a time more as before, more crowds gathering at parks etc. on buses, more cars on roads.
I thought people at universities were just a little bit cleverer than most of us! They should be doing something to help the NHS with their superior brains.
Mr Derek Griffiths, Wolverhampton