LETTER: Landlords are in need of protection as well as tenants
A reader believes landlords need some protection too.

There are some bad landlords and I agree that tenants need protection, but what about landlords who get lumbered with a bad tenant? Some people have no intention whatsoever of paying rent and all the landlord gets is a mouthful of foul abuse “you can’t evict me! It’s against the law – I can legally live here rent free for at least three months!”, the landlord then has a long battle to get rid of the tenant who will trash the place, leaving behind damage, rats and filth. He will also take the key with him so new locks need to be fitted.
The way the law stands at the moment, it seems that landlords have no rights at all. Years ago families were living in rented properties, we did not have much money but paying rent was the most important.
I would never advise anyone to try making money by renting property, you have to unblock sinks and toilets, pay out for central heating, boilers etc. And woe betide if you get lumbered with a bad tenant, if you are lucky enough to get rid of them – they just move elsewhere and do it all again.