Express & Star

LETTER: Follow example set by Bully!

A reader hails Steve Bull's charitable efforts during the coronavirus outbreak.

Former England and Wolves footballer Steve Bull delivered the masks from Ricoh in Telford to Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital

I read in the Express & Star (16 April) that Bully had acquired and then delivered a quantity of PPE masks to our local hospitals. The newspaper report said the company that produced the PPE masks were quick to respond to the former footballers plea and were capable of producing 40,000 full face masks a week.

I am not at all surprised that Bully did this, not that he acted alone, because we have thanked him and admired him for a long time for the way he has helped his community. This last example of why we love him brings up the question, if Bully and his mates can obtain and deliver PPE why cannot highly paid hospital management do the same? It seems that if such hospital management put as much effort in obtaining PPE for the real hospital workers as they put in moaning at the shortages, then there would by now be no shortages.

Alan Perkins, Wolverhampton