Express & Star

LETTER: Issue of carers’ pay must be addressed

A reader believes the issue of carers’ pay must be addressed

Issue of carers’ pay must be addressed

My wife suffers from advanced dementia and has resided in a nursing home for almost five years. During that time, I have witnessed the fantastic care provided by all front line staff and ancillary workers to ensure the most comfortable environment possible.

Sadly, I have to draw attention to the fact that those carers performing the most unpleasant tasks, receive the least remuneration.

Politicians rarely pay attention or comment (except when they want your vote) to the plight of partners or relatives who have to find enormous sums to secure a place in full time care for their loved one. Government continue to obscure true statistics of deaths in care homes.

The issue of funding for care was ignored in the last budget and only the present virus has prompted investigative journalists to revisit and expose the inefficiency of administration procurers in the NHS. At the same time, ‘fat cats’ at the helm of some care organisations are enjoying huge salaries, some exceeding a million pa, plus bonuses and dividends. If the government has any moral fibre they should address these issues immediately to satisfy the cynical, like me.

C James, Wolverhampton