LETTER: We should be in the driving seat over Brexit
Having no allegiance to any political party, are parties and their dogma preventing the governance of this country?

Some time ago I wrote a letter in which I stated that I felt our Prime Minister lacked the skills required to negotiate the country’s exit from the EU.
Daily this is becoming more and more obvious to the majority of UK citizens!
The population voted to leave the EU so that should have put us in the driving seat when talks took place.
To this end we should have been dictating the terms. Theresa May, however, has not been telling the EU what we expect but going cap in hand asking.
This is not the way to go about negotiating our release! Mrs May has said in the past that a ‘no deal’ is better than a bad deal (she appears to have the latter).
Would a ‘no deal’ situation be so bad? Would we then have to pay to get out?
Another thing I have not heard raised is, we have paid towards the EU building, equipment, vehicles, furnishings, etc, so do we not part own these?
With our large payment into the funds we perhaps have a five per cent/seven per cent interest. Can we have this money back?
The Prime Minister’s present tactic is to stamp her feet like a spoilt child and screaming and screaming like Violet Elizabeth in Just William (at present she is making me sick).

What solutions have been put forward? Delay our exit?
However no changes in the policy appears to have been put forward, is that a good idea?
Another referendum cannot change the question as that would be a different referendum.
This would not negate the original one.
The timescale is also a problem.
It would appear that the only way out is to prevent our PM having any dealings with the talks (a point I put previously) and appoint real negotiators to take over.
Making the correct statement and asking the right questions would allow this situation to be settled once and for all, I suspect in a short timescale This country’s problem is, who in Parliament has these skills?
Mr D Winterborn
Brierley Hill