LETTER: Fed up with all the Brexit doom and gloom
I am fed up with reading the prophets of doom and gloom and their propaganda about Brexit.

The truth of the matter is they know no more than anyone else, whether it be the man in the street or a member of the Westminster bubble.
I believe whatever goes wrong after Brexit (whether hard or soft) will not be the result of Brexit per se, but the capitalist system which thrives on selfishness and greed.
It matters not whether they move companies abroad or make thousands unemployed as long as it pays homage to ‘Mammon’.
I believe we should make our own laws and control our borders.
If people come to work here and pay into the system okay, what we don’t want is thousands coming to sponge off the state.
Neither do we want criminal gangs operating here because our criminal justice system is softer than where they come from.
If they are caught in criminal acts, they should be deported right away.
We have too many of our own scroungers and criminals without importing them.
I am 82 years of age, when I voted in the referendum, I voted for what I thought was right, not swayed by propaganda.
George Fones