LETTER: Get a grip on discussions Mrs May
Voters are not at all happy with the Government’s handling of Brexit and they feel that Dominic Raab have been left holding the baby so to speak, after the resignations of so many duffers.

People are sick and tired of the EU dictatorship and the way Mrs May is handling the issue.
Did we not fight and win two world wars to oust dictators only to join a political entity, the EU, to give them control of our future and that of our children and grandchildren? No we did not.
Why did the Tories give away our sovereignty and what for? Why does the Labour Party have no plan? Do you think the EU will stop trading with us? No they sell us more than we buy from it.
Conservatives gave us the option and voters took that option and voted leave. It is now up to our negotiators to get a deal or not that benefits Great Britain. The EU will miss our £10bn EU contribution, when we leave the union, and will find it is their loss not ours.
The Government have had two years to negotiate, two years wasted, by inept politicians and ministers. With only six months left one can’t help wonder just how things will pan out. It proves one thing, the Government could not negotiate its way out of a paper bag safely.
We need a coalition government as Mrs May has not the authority to get a deal so why does she consider extending Article 50 when she ought to be getting the result that voters wanted?
The Chequers Proposal is a confidence trick of gigantic proportions by an incompetent administration, determined to keep this country handcuffed to the outdated, protectionist EU. We are being bullied by our partners in order to remain a bureaucracy subservient to it as a vassal state?
As for a £39bn divorce bill, you have to be joking. We must be mad even to consider it.
Get on with it Mrs May or go down in history as another duff politician. Get a grip. Deal or No Deal.
Mr M Cooper