LETTER: Tories have torpedoed opportunity over Brexit
Theresa May is a bureaucrat with the mind of a bureaucrat and the heart of a Remainer.

Therefore, should we be surprised at what she has come up with as her version of Brexit?
I admire her stickability and feel sorry for the fact that she is between a rock and a hard place but none of that is important when we consider the future of our country.
We now know that whilst Davis was conjuring up his plan, Remainer civil servants in his own department were coming up with May’s plan. Is it any wonder he walked?
Her belief that we take the EU rule book and then amend it and then either take or leave new Brussels’ laws or directives is totally ludicrous.
Okay, so the day following the treaty, something totally unacceptable to UK is brought out; what then?
According to May, Parliament will vote on it and in the unlikely event that a basically Remainer bunch of MPs actually vote against; what then?
Ah says Tess, “There will be consequences.” What does that typically bureaucratic gobbledegook mean?
Well Tess says, there will be some kind of arbitration. Rubbish! We all know that Brussels will impose some punitive fine or if they are really on form, place tariffs on a range of our goods.
We won’t come under the jurisdiction of the European Court says Tess. “We just take notice of what it dictates.” This is civil servant code for ‘we’ll do as we are told’.
We shall have wonderful new trade agreements throughout the globe except if those we wish to trade with need a different rule book.
This Tory Party has torpedoed our greatest opportunity for generations. We should have come in hard immediately the vote was ‘out’ .
As it is, May will be across the channel and back in a flash after being told that it’s not what the EU want.
It will be yet more national humiliation by the EU which she will claim as a triumph.
Alan Etheridge