LETTER: Stop use of the ‘f word’
We’ve got sunny days, so let’s get out and about to enjoy the sunshine, or so we think.

On public transport, on the street, in the park, around the towns, the level of foul-mouthed exchanges people share is everywhere. Talking through filthy language.
Using the ‘f word’ singularly or in a string of potty-mouthed utterances to add exaggeration, exasperation, emphasis or plain sounding off. This is what we hear as we go about our daily tasks.
Our English language is under attack from people whose filthy vocabulary is often shouted out in front of young children and families as if to underline how competent the potty mouth is at repeating the same vile sounds in a single statement.
We all have times when the odd swear word can be a relief. We now live in a time where swearing is a language in itself which we all have inflicted on us, like it or not.
Let’s realise that there are thousands of expressive words in the English language. not all of them are four-letter words that start with ‘f’. If we practised a few others of the thousands of words, we may encourage others to follow our example.
Make days out friendlier – stop the potty mouths!
Councillor Doug James