LETTER - Bill Etheridge on the 'crushing blow' of election poll
The election results of May 3 were a crushing blow for UKIP and for me personally.

For four years Dudley UKIP councillors have worked extremely hard to not only help the people of our area with individual problems but also to try to change the way our borough was run and to make changes we felt would be beneficial.
Whilst I was focussed more on the political aspects our other councillors were heavily engaged in community work and truly living up to the image of a real community councillor.
The election results were not just politically painful but personally disappointing for all of us after investing so much of our heart and soul into it.
I am first and foremost a believer that the will of the people expressed through the ballot box is what really matters and that will has been made crystal clear.
I shall not be trying to return to local politics and will see out my term as an MEP working as hard as ever to press for real independence for our nation from the EU.
I want to personally thank the people of Sedgley for the opportunity they gave me to represent them and wish them and all of the people of Dudley borough the very best.
I gave it my best shot and I always stood by what I thought was right for the people and the area I represented.
I leave local politics with a clear conscience.
The pantomime of Dudley Council will now carry on without its favourite villain
Bill Etheridge