LETTER: Shameless behaviour on Brexit
Some of our so-called elected representatives are behaving in an absolutely shameful (and shameless) way regarding the Brexit vote.

By a huge majority, parliament voted to give the decision on leaving or remaining in the EU to the people, in a referendum.
When many of our MPs did not get the verdict that they confidently expected they started to behave like three year olds.
An awful lot of them are now doing their very best to subvert that result using the pretence of ‘parliamentary democracy’ to justify their stance.
These are supposed to be the people whom we look to to provide safe and stable leadership!
Parliamentary democracy, something which they have been quite happy to give away to Brussels for the past 40-odd years without any mandate from the people, hoping to keep us ignorant of the process and thinking that we would never find out what they were up to. Well we did find out!
The decision was made by the people in the ultimate democratic process, a one-off vote by all the people, one vote each, if you cared enough to use it!
Not a best of two, or three, or four votes. We were repeatedly told it was our decision, that there would only be one chance and the Government would implement the result.
This was all agreed by parliament and pointed out in a leaflet through every door. We knew exactly what we voted for.
So, what are they up to, especially the unelected House of Lords, by now trying every trick in the book to undermine the result?
Constantly telling us that we did not know what we were voting for and giving encouragement to the EU negotiators to give us a bad deal, in the hope that it will be rejected and we can remain.
Well, we know what you are up to and one day, in the not too distant future, you will have to justify your anti-democratic stance.
Ivor Smith