LETTER: Do we really live in a free country?
Having seen, heard and read about the plights of Alfie Evans, Charlie Gard, Helen Johnson and, most recently, Noel Conway in the news, it now seems quite clear that the state has taken on the God-like responsibilities over the choices of life and death regarding its people.

It has been incredibly sad to learn of these individuals’ struggle with illness, but even more harrowing for them and their parents to have had to endure numerous court appearances in the process and to be informed by officials of the state that their wishes count for nothing. We now have the situation where Government bodies can take money from bank accounts without the holder’s permission and properties may not be left to the owner’s children but can be taken by councils to fund adult care.
We also now have state ownership of our bodies due to the law of presumed consent, known as ‘Max’s Law’, or as I prefer to recognise it, more like, ‘Burke and Hare’s Law’.
It gets even worse if you are a motorist. As a driver you are treated quite differently to other people in the eyes of the law as very often a policeman is your judge, jury and executioner. In a number of cases it is now possible for drivers to be prosecuted for not committing a crime.
Finally, you may have lived in this country for 50 years and during that time may have served in its armed forces, paid your taxes and helped to rebuild your adopted country as a result of a world war but at the drop of a hat the authorities can declare you stateless.
In all honesty, do you really believe that you still live in a free country?
Alan Smith