'Please justify these high salaries'
Headline from the Express and Star – 'Council chiefs paid more than Prime Minister'. This is reference to the salaries paid to various employees of Wolverhampton City Council.

Pardon me saying but isn't this one of many councils in the country pleading poverty 'because if the cuts'?
Isn't this the same council that seem to have their lights in the main officers (also known as the Kremlin) in the city centre wasting money when the offices are empty?
I plead guilty to any accusations of cynicism on my part but when I've driven around the roads of this city dodging the potholes perhaps you can understand my feelings.
Always the same excuse that it's 'the cuts' being used, yet huge salaries can be paid out to employees.
Wolverhampton isn't the only 'offender', lots of councils all over the country are using this line, but headlines like this do not show them in a favourable light.
Just a thought, pay the going rate for the job, but success in their posts is essential and salary package should reflect this.
And just what are Strategic Directors of Place and Pensions? They may be needed but at such sky high salaries?
Where highways come in the pecking order of salary rates isn't shown.
But if these people are such gems and are essential to the smooth operation of Wolverhampton City then explanation of their responsibilities would help and maybe they should be paid by results, they are 'profitable' to Wolverhampton make their salaries reflect this.
Perhaps then rates and council taxes wouldn't need increases every year, and 'the cuts' wouldn't be such a problem.
Perhaps one of these directors would like to answer, by letter, in these pages, as usual I won't be holding my breath in anticipation.
Mr M Gough