Anger over NatWest bank branch closure in Bilston
In June this year, a branch of NatWest in Bilston will be closed and the customers left without a bank.

Bilston has a large contingent of independent businesses and this will be a great loss and inconvenience to them, and also to any residents which consist of a goodly amount of the elderly, myself included.
One of the main reasons stated is a fall in the numbers using the branches, which was actually encouraged by the banks themselves in pointing people/businesses towards internet banking.
Our account is with NatWest and they inform us that it is to be transferred to the Wolverhampton city centre branch.
This entails a round trip of over 20 miles, plus finding a parking place which is within reasonable walking distance of the bank.
The Bilston branch staff are friendly, helpful and very experienced and deserve better, as do the residents and businesses.
Alan Davis