Stop trying to make MP a scapegoat for Carillion collapse
Along with everyone else the collapse of Carillion has come as a great shock, especially the loss of jobs.

The effect of job loss can be really terrible and my heart goes out to all of those affected. Well almost all.
I cannot have any sympathy for the heads of the company, who created the problem. Whilst they have continued to pay themselves colossal salaries and bonuses, having been warned several times that their business plan was leading the company into deep debt, they continue to show no remorse for their greedy actions.
Yet this government continued to award them contract after contract, in a blind belief that the private sector only should be allowed to build hospitals, and also social care had to be given to private groups.
Who now has to pick up the tab? The answer is the ordinary tax payers, just as we did to bail out the bankers.
So it is with disbelief that I saw the comments from the Tory head in Wolverhampton Council, Wendy Thompson. She seems to be attempting to blame Eleanor Smith for the collapse. The concerns about Carillion’s dealings were fairly common knowledge, given that they had been warned on at least three occasions about how they conducted their business.
So to blame Eleanor is a blatant attempt to scapegoat someone for the profit driven agendas of her own party.
If Thompson wishes to blame someone then start with those in parliamentary office who gave Carillion’s bosses a green ticket to do it their way.
These private financings are putting the NHS into debt for decades, and I am sure that the Tories are well aware of this. Because at the end of the day, no matter how much they doth protest, their agenda is for profits for the few with no real desire to fund the welfare state.
So Eleanor should not be blamed, and the comments made by Thompson should be viewed as nonsense. For most people, we are proud to have elected our first black MP, and totally refute this ill thought out attempt to deflect blame onto her.
Dave Wyatt