Time to accept Brexit vote and move on
Mr Alan Harrison writes on 20th January that the vote to leave the EU (European Union) on 23rd June, 2016 was in fact the second vote.

Somewhat economical with the truth there, the 'first' vote, about 40 years ago was actually about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland staying in the EEC (European Economic Community).
Now I'm sure that there is a wide difference between a trade organisation (EEC) and what it became, a political organisation (EU). Perhaps the citizens of this wonderful country of ours prefer to make their own decisions about political things and not relying on some faceless unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, or wherever, making those decisions for us.
Perhaps that is why the people voted to leave the EU, not a racist decision, as has been alleged, but a simple sensible decision on their part.
Yes I can understand Mr Harrison's disappointment at the decision, but he, and others have really got to show a bit of maturation and accept it.
I have been very disappointed at the results of various general elections here over the last 40 years or so. But like everyone else, in the main, accepted those results. The party I wanted to be elected didn't 'win' the election, but like most people accepted the result.
I may have disagreed with economic policies of the party in power but had to accept them. I did sulk, but expressed my views at the time, then got on living my life with my wife and family. Maybe I'm being simplistic but it's called being a grown up.
My advice to Mr Harrison, and others who don't agree with the majority decision in the vote to leave, accept it and move on. Let's all get together to make this country of ours great again and not just in name.
We are a world power, not as great as we once were but still a great power anyway. The EU negotiators have tried to make it as difficult as they can, and will probably try a few more 'tricks', before our actual leaving, all I can say is they need us, at least as much as we need them, but as trading partners.
We are not, and probably never have been, the equals of the 20 odd who are staying in the EU. There seems a paranoia from several of the countries there that if we are allowed to walk away then monetary contributions of the 'rich' will have to increase to subsidize the 'poorer' parts of the EU. Perhaps that's why they want umpteen billions of pounds/euros to compensate them for our departure?
Personally I find this blackmail by them abhorrent, but they've got to remember that whatever trade barriers they erect against us can be replicated here. Germany and French car industries would suffer there.
The French, Spanish and Italian wine industries would be hurt. EU holiday destinations would be hurt. I could go on. The game they are playing, and have played, may look good to themselves, but at the end of the day retribution may arrive just when they don't expect it.
The people spoke
Other countries may decide that maybe the EU is not the thing for them. Anyone who doubts this should talk to Greek and Spanish people. A lot of them are becoming heartily fed up with EU directives and economic policies.
Maybe if Mr Harrison and his colleagues in the remain camp looked closely at EU policies and procedures they may not be quite so pro-EU as they are presently. Independence is a wonderful thing and given the choice of being an independent nation or a vassal province of the EU super-state most of us would say that this country's decision over 18 months ago to leave that corrupt organisation will prove to be one heck of a good move on our part.
The failed politicians like Messrs ‘Bliar’ and Clegg, among others, can 'preach' at us as much as they like.
One point I have noticed about these professional remainers - they're all very much yesterday's men. And thank goodness for that. The people recognised this and voted with their heads and not how the experts wanted and expected. Good, the people spoke. Accept it.
M Gough CPTC