Donald Trump would be welcome
Democracy, stated Sir Winston Churchill, can be viewed as a lousy form of government, until you compare it to the rest. Likewise, President Donald Trump. A flawed choice for President some might say, until you compare him to what else was on offer. He is, we all acknowledge, far from perfect; being human would preclude him from that hallowed state of being, would it not? However, no one can deny he says exactly what he thinks and believes to be true, in the interests of America, and the American people who voted for him.

I personally find his lack of guile, and maverick inclinations, refreshing. Together with his obvious incapability of emulating the oily , smooth duplicitousness , which comes so easily to many of the professional politicians we are ‘served’ by. Of course his choice of words on occasions leave much to be desired, but the message contained resonates with his many millions of core supporters in the US. And let’s face it, his loyalty lies with them and not with his liberal leaning critics, wherever they be. I kinda wish that we ‘blue collar’, ‘poorly educated’ English people had our own ‘Donald’, to represent our views, opinions, and protests, against what is happening in our own little country.
One thing is sure, as an Englishman, and a Christian, when it comes to trusting someone to look after my interests, give me a Trump any day, over the likes of the front bench of the Labour Party, and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who does not speak for me, or millions of others, when he says the US President is not welcome on English soil. Trust me, he is!
John Reed