Serious questions over Nigel Farage's judgement in supporting Donald Trump
Donald Trump has cited his decision to cancel his UK visit to open the new American embassy on his opposition to President Obama’s administration having wasted money on the project.

However, Mr Trump failed again to check the facts. It transpired that the new embassy was not commissioned by President Obama, but by President Bush.
In the same TV news interview, trump’s ‘Buddy’, Nigel Farage was invited to comment. Neither Trump nor Farage seemed to recognise the error. Mr Farage then rejected criticism of Trump, claiming that Mr Trump is the most pro- British president for many years. He then voiced his concern about the possibility of a second EU referendum, also blaming ‘Politics of the left in the UK’ making Trump feel unwelcome.
This raises serious questions about Mr Farage’s judgment. Throughout the US presidential election Mr Trump’s mantra was ‘America first’. That means everyone else, including the UK at least a poor second. A contrast to the EU, in which the ethos is that of nations working together in a common cause, shared prosperity for all, or do we rely on the US, blindly doing America’s bidding, with the real possibility of getting dragged into nuclear conflict.
Michael Cliff
Wall Heath