Theresa May is crumbling but where is the opposition?
Over the past weeks we have seen Theresa May’s government crumble like an old school pudding.

Ministers resign, allegations of improper conduct, pornography and fall outs.
Her hesitancy over Brexit is embarassing, her lack of leadership transparent, and as for the soft reshuffle of her cabinet, well clear to say there couldn’t of been much in it if it was that light to move.
Cancer treatment withheld over funds, A&E waiting times almost at a peak, operations cancelled, so at a time when you would expect the opposition to be making deep inroads, when we would anticipate Labour to bang on about her failings, safe to say there is very little inroad success.
Very little movement in public opinion, and not an awful lot coming out of the Labour trumpet.
I really don’t think Mrs May is anything of a leader, the self appointed leader who arrogantly tried to pull a fast one with the public in a snap election has lost the reigns of a horse in need of’s this that worries me so.
Where is the opposition who will hold her to account?
Why is she having such a cosy time of it...good governments are kept on their toes; our flat-footed May has her slippers on.
Shaun Harrison
West Bromwich