Urgent action is needed to save Wolverhampton's West Park tea rooms
Why, why, why, has Wolverhampton Council decided to close the Victorian tea rooms in the West Park?

I used to go there with my parents as a child, then took my children as they grew up, now I take my grandchildren there to play and have lunch when they visit.
I can’t see the point as it’s always very busy, even on Sunday afternoons.
Is it going to be another murder of a facility like the Royal Hospital, the eye infirmary and Springfield Brewery, and see it taken over by druggies, vagrants and ner-do-wells to break in and set it on fire then it will be gone forever?
Do all people in Wolverhampton know it is going to close down?
Urgent action is needed immediately or it’s gone forever. Also who gave permission for the ice cream van outside the tea rooms, as they already sell ice cream, drinks, etc, inside? It must be on someone’s conscience within the council!
M Byrne